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Do you need to import the 4k artpack in some way? Thanks!

Sorry, I didn't understand the question. Can you write more details?

When trying to start a level, the screen goes gray and i can't do anything but go back. Is this a bug? can this be fixed? Started occurring after the latest update.

It would help us diagnose your problem if you could navigate to

C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Furlough Games\Shades Of Gay 2

And send us the Player.log and Player-prev.log files.

Either post them somewhere and leave a link or send them directly to

ok cool, will do. Thank you!

The game is amazing with a great artstyle and story. 

i bought the game twice by accident, is there any way i can get issued a refund?

Hi! You can do this through Itch tech support. We can't help ourselves with this, unfortunately.

i will just leave it! keep up the good work!


This would be lovely if there was an option to disable the candy crush thing. I keep losing because of the RNG and I don't find that fun. Other than that, the game's great.


do you also get a steam key for these games?

No, just the game build. It's almost identical to Steam and all the updates are released at the same time.

its not working for me i have it downloaded but i cant start the game

Hi! We are sorry that this happened. Could you please join our Discord and post your problem in the tech support channel?

i cant send anything in the discord