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So if someone buys it on here, will we get a steam key as well or no? Just checking too! :>

Is there gonna be a Christmas sale?

Yes, of course, doing it right now! 🫡


I just got a new pc and it won't let me download on here, it says there's no compatibale version. Do you know how to fix this? I'm on windows 11 btw.

Hey! Sorry for that situation. It’s an unfamiliar problem for us.

Can you specify: itch tells you that “there's no compatibale version” or you can’t launch a new build on your computer?

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yea itch tells me that there's no compatibale version to download.

it says "no compatiable downloads were found"

Hi! Try again now?

It worked! thanks so much!!!

Will you be making a fourth part? If so, when? Sorry if the answer to this question has already been given before, I just couldn't find it

Hey! Thank you for the interest, but we don't have plans for the fourth part yet. But we will add queer stories to “Dungeons & Furry” game, which we are currently working on! 

And maybe some of the stories from “Furry Shades of Gay” series will be continued in future DLCs to “Furry Shades of Gay 3”

will this ever be macos compatible

Hi! Sorry, but it's a very small chance. No one in our team has a MacBook to check the performance of the build. =(

I know it's not everybody cup of tea, but I loved Valentino and Alex scenes, loved the size difference and they were so cute, wish we could see Valentino getting more confident and more dominating with Alex tho, it would be fun to see him put the brat in his place lol


Hey, thank you for your kind words! We're happy that you loved our boys, and we can't spoil a lot, but... They might have a comeback in the future! So stay tuned <3

Thanks for the addition with Evan and Snake, it's wonderful. Really love this couple. I hope in future games you will pay more attention to the cuteness than bara. There are already a lot of muscle themes in furry games, as for me. (IMHO)


Thank you for loving this couple and supporting us! Without your support we wouldn't be able to keep the updates coming. We try to focus on different aspects of couples' lives and we hope to unpack more lore in the future as well <3


Can i buy the game via Patreon? Steam doesnt work for this kind of stuff in my country

You can buy the game and it's other instalments on this site.  The downloads from here don't require Steam to play  and the download links are saved to your Itch Io account.

You can buy it here, and it doesn't require any connection to any platform. Just good old folder to start the game from <3

This game changed my view on life, the beautiful shading, the brilliant art, almost made me shed a tear. the illustrious curvature of some of these anthropromorphic animals really captivated my raging hard on. 10/10 will buy again in another timeline.

Thank you so much, we will pass your comment to the artists to motivate them <3


I bought the game through because I didn't want it to show up on my steam account, how do I get the halloween/future updates for my game? Do I have to buy it again?

Hello! You don't have to buy the game again, you can re-download it from your purchases, and it should be up-to-date~


I agree with the comment below.  A pair of a bull and a wolf looks especially ridiculous.
I'm wondering, how such a huge bull's dong fits in such a small wolf?! Don't think Alex feels anything but pain... In my opinion, he does not suit the bull as a couple...

Thanks for the feedback! We're constantly working on improving the experience for you guys, so this helps a lot.

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The worst part, as for me. Human giant dicks, similar to sausage, look ridiculous and stupid, causing nothing but laughter. Blake and Percy are the only ones saving the game.

Thanks for the feedback! We're constantly working on improving the experience for you guys, and we hope to deliver something to your liking in the future~


Very happy to see Blake and Percy again. Definitely my favorite duo in the last one.

Thank you for supporting our gorgeous boys!

I have all of the stories complete and have only one achievement missing. "Steady Hand". I have no idea what to do to unlock it. Can someone clue me in on what to do?

Have you unlocked the last achievement? I can't find any solutions myself. The requirement must be something absolute horrible.

Steady Hand is the only one I haven't gotten.

(2 edits) (+3)

I feel like a loser here but man this game just feels unreasonably difficult. I can't get past the 2nd to 3rd stage in every course and I dont know what I could possibly be doing differently. The art is fantastic and I love the concept of the game, but I feel so beyond frustrated that I'm locked out of half the stuff because for whatever reason I can't comprehend how to actually beat the requirements the stages want.

I very much wish you could get permanent upgrades in the shop rather than consumables that you can completely waste if you don't pass the stage.


I'm really sorry( This time we tried to test the levels in advance more carefully and make them simpler.
In the upper right corner of the screen you can see "?" - this will tell you the goals of the levels and some combinations of chips, maybe it will help you.


how about a lesbian version aswell


We are thinking about it and maybe there will be a version with different mixed stories. With lesbian stories too!


What species is Adele?


Someone has confirmed that he is an otter.


i am really happy that there will be a third part ♥ 

i totally enjoyed the 2 other ones 

keep up the good work ♪


Thanks <3


i want to play this on my Android 


We are thinking about it, but there are a few problems. There may be an Android version later.

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merry christmas I really liked your game looking forward furry shades of gay 3 still gayer  to when one comes out and good luck to you in the new year best wishes


Many thanks from our team! And Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Will it be accessible for mobile users?

We are thinking about it, but there are a few problems. There may be an Android version later.

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will there be a version for cause steam is blocking the game in most countrys and i can't buy it on steam cause of that.

Yes, of course. The version of the game on Itch will appear on the same day as on Steam (or perhaps a couple of days later)