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I have a bug, the game is stuck in initializing, I can't play it :/. any solution please. T-T

Hi! Sorry about that
It would help us diagnose your problem if you could navigate to

C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Furlough Games\Shades of Gay

And send us the Player.log and Player-prev.log files.

Either post them somewhere and leave a link or send them directly to

furloughgamescontact (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks, I already fixed the error.

(2 edits)

Hey there! I am having this same issue.  Do you recall how you fixed it?  I also got episode 2 and 3.  They both started up no problem and look AMAZING!!  Hoping I can get this sorted out.

Agree about the comment below for Android.  


Please android version

(1 edit) (-1)

i had a problem with the game but it turns out i'm just a big dumb dumb and i had buried into too long of a path for my pc lmao, game got good artworks uwu


mf got the homework folder black hole

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